Record of Decision

The Record of Decision (ROD) is a public document that explains the cleanup alternatives that will be used to re-mediate a Superfund site  This ROD is created from the Remedial Investigation/Feasibility Study.  (This was done by Ebasco Services of Langhorne Pa)
Based upon the correspondence of the NJDEP, the controlling agency for this site cleanup, the USEPA has directed Brick Township to focus on Environmental concerns for the ROD once the groundwater Plume has been delineated.  This ROD will be done in 2002 according to NJDEP and in addition all groundwater compliance and sampling will continue with all remaining irrigation wells.

The following activities were completed and include in the Record of Decision.
  • Human Health Risk Assessment Report
  • Feasibility Study.  This detailed Analysis is final phase of the RI/FS process.  The alternatives that were provided to Brick for site cleanup and remediation were part of the nine evaluation criteria that the EPA developed to address statutory requirements for CERCLA or the Superfund.
  • Nine Criteria are:
    1. Overall protection of human health and the environment
    2. Compliance with ARARS
    3. long term effectiveness and permanence
    4. reduction of toxicity, mobility or volume
    5. short-term effectiveness
    6. Implementability
    7. Cost
    8. State acceptance
    9. Community acceptance
  • Continuation of monitoring on an annual basis of all 81wells for contaminants.
  • Connect all resident who wish to be connected with the Brick MUA for irrigation purposes with second meters if necessary
  • Disconnect and seal all existing irrigation wells by NJDEP certified well sealer.  241 groundwater wells were ordered closed for the Groundwater Use Restriction Area. (GURA)
  • Add to sampling groundwater quality parameters; Alkalinity, Sulfates, Sulfides, Ferrous Iron and Light Hydrocarbons (Methane. Ethane, Ethene)
  • Aquifer testing
The final ROD will be executed by the NJDEP.  The EA chose to remain silent on the decision for this site since they do not feel that there is an unacceptable risk from the landfill that warrants action.  In effect the EPA is NOT recognizing the solid waste regulations a a remedial requirement under Superfund.  The State of NJ has a ACO with Brick Township which requires them to fund the cleanup.  The NJDEP will continue to use this decision document.  The EPA's concurrence is NOT a prerequisite to the State's selecting a remedy at a non-Superfund-financed state lead enforcement site.

The Decision will be to complete the closure of the landfill with a clay and soil cap of at least two feet and the natural attenuation of groundwater monitoring at all 81 well sites on an annual basis.  The site is to be complete fenced and signage affixed.

This Proposed Plan identifies the preferred alternative for addressing the Brick Township Landfill Superfund Site (Site). The Site is located in Brick Township, New Jersey, and is comprised of the Brick Township Landfill property (Property) and the contaminated groundwater emanating from the Property.
The United States Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) Preferred Alternative is Alternative 2, installation of a New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP) solid waste landfill cap with institutional controls to prevent on-site exposures. A key element of the remedy will be groundwater monitoring.
EPA is issuing this Proposed Plan as part of its community relations program under Section 117(a) of the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act (CERCLA, or Superfund) 42 U.S.C. 9617(a). This Proposed Plan summarizes information that can be found in greater detail in the Remedial Investigation and Feasibility Study (RI/FS) reports and other documents contained in the Administrative Record for this Site. EPA and NJDEP encourage the public to review these documents to gain a more comprehensive understanding of the Site and Superfund activities that have been conducted.
This Proposed Plan includes summaries of the cleanup alternatives evaluated for use at the Site. This document is issued by EPA, the lead agency for Site activities, and NJDEP, the support agency. EPA, in consultation with NJDEP, will select the final remedy for the Site after reviewing and considering all information submitted during a 30-day public comment period. EPA, in consultation with NJDEP, may modify the preferred alternative or select another response action presented in this Proposed Plan based on new information or public comments. EPA relies on public input to ensure that the concerns of the community are considered in selecting the preferred alternative for each Superfund site. Therefore, the public is encouraged to review and comment on all of the alternatives presented in this document.

Images and artifacts of this investigation can be found in the Images Page of this Blog.  They include Groundwater Flow, Maps of the landfill and affected areas as well as well locations and sampled contaminants. and will add visual corroboration tot his narrative.

Data for this section was taken from the Remedial Investigation/Investigation Report Workplan of May 2002 Volumes 1-7 by Primary Contractor-Birdsall Engineering, Inc of Belmar, NJ.  Patricia Calvert Project manger, Thomas Rospos PE Brick Township Engineer. Case # NJD 980505176 contained at the Brick Township Branch of the Ocean County Library System and from the USEPA web site for data for the Brick Landfill.

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